Swift Ball

Arcade game by - 2024-02-06
The goal of the game is to control the ball so as to collect all the bonuses, avoid hitting any mines and central traps and meet the allotted time. Green ball "Bonus" + 1 point. The central cone +10 points. The ball "Mine" - 3 points. For a new level, the points are multiplied by 2, the collected points are also credited to the bonus account if the player has met the allotted time, collected all the bonuses and there is at least one mine left on the field. The second mode is endless, when time is unlimited, the number of balls is constantly updated and the score is saved every 30 seconds - more complex, but also more exciting. The game menu is at the top left above the clock in game mode.. Camera Change button - changes the view of the arena The transition to the next level occurs automatically when the conditions of the game are met. In the Settings menu, you can select a previously purchased skin, change the difficulty level and change the game mode.
Embed Swift Ball
To embed this free HTML5 game just copy the embed code(html) and paste it into the code of your website.
After that all your online visitors can play ' Swift Ball' directly on your website!
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Tip: Change the height and width value and adjust the size of the game to the layout of your website!