
Adventure game by - 2022-03-08
This is a demo\prototype for my game FighterCube fight against enemies Your goal is to get the gem. this update add a new enemy miniboss and has better preformance and sound effect controls: W,A,S,D move Right click to shoot 1 to use a gun 2 to use a shotgun 3 to use an assault rifle Space to jump You can double jump You can Dash in 8 directions using the left control key. Credit: Art: secret hideout,LuizMelo,ansimuz Most of art wasn't done by me. Music:
Embed FighterCube
To embed this free HTML5 game just copy the embed code(html) and paste it into the code of your website.
After that all your online visitors can play 'FighterCube' directly on your website!
It´s easy, try it!

Tip: Change the height and width value and adjust the size of the game to the layout of your website!