A day in the countryside
Arcade game by - 2021-05-30
A pleasant and relaxing day in the countryside?
You will play the role of a farmer struggling with the cultivation of his fields... and some funny and spiteful animals.
- Use arrow keys
- Click or touch and hold on left/right of the character
- Click or touch in the animals, something will happen
- Use mouse wheel to zoom
- In winter, click or touch on the screen to jump?
- Take the moles and send them to sleep
- Take the blackbirds with bomb and send them away
- Feed the cute animals for an extra life
- In winter, save snowmen from snowballs
Embed A day in the countryside
To embed this free HTML5 game just copy the embed code(html) and paste it into the code of your website.
After that all your online visitors can play 'A day in the countryside' directly on your website!
It´s easy, try it!
Tip: Change the height and width value and adjust the size of the game to the layout of your website!